Pt. 2 A Heartfelt! Thank You for Your Incredible Support this Year – Warmest Wishes…
Mon 12/23/2024 12:04 PM
Thank you for the kind words and a special thanks to Sweetleaf, who deserves a book written about the challenges of remaining a key player in the complicated and F-Upped world of Prop 64 Cannabis. Who ever thought we would need to pass a law to give cannabis to those in need and then create a separate company to administer the gifting. Geesh.
I and the team want you to know of the personal satisfaction each of us feel when we hand a patient compassion, especially because it presents challenges in the run up to the main event of hand off and makes us (Eric) work for it, but we know that patients drove the quest to recognize cannabis as medicine and should remain our number one priority, even though, sadly they are not.
I am asking for your permission to put your letter on the “Founder’s Blog” page of the website along with an opening statement by me about just what this compassion program is for the many who have never heard of it. I plan on sending out an email wishing everyone a happy holiday tomorrow and having this as a link would be especially nice. I can also add a link to the Sweetleaf website (?).
So, in conclusion, thank you to you, Sweetleaf and all of the many and varied folks who help administer the project. I am hoping to be able to increase our participation and use the newly re-constituted SF Cannabis Association, of which I am Treasurer, to organize an education campaign to the members so they can participate as well. We know that everyone ends up with “expired” products and that should go to you!
Happy Happy in whatever way you celebrate and may you dreams continue to come true!
Remember to enjoy your journey,
Terrance, Nate and the Flore Team